
Second report: Charges which transform

In the report “Charges which transform – a proposal for climate-friendly tax restructuring”  the Danish Council on Climate Change looks closely at some of the most acute problems in the current tax system, problems which could potentially make the green transition more expensive than it needs to be or even cause increased emissions of greenhouse gases.

This report deals with, among other things, issues such as a tax system which promotes the use of biomass at the expense of heat pumps and levies that inhibit the spread of electric cars which could help to replace fossil fuels in the transport sector as long as they were operated by electricity from renewable sources.

In addition, with Denmark having to work out how to meet the obligations of the EU's 2030 climate change goals, the Danish Council on Climate Change has also chosen to look at the expected content of the European Commission's climate and energy package as well as examine Denmark’s advantageous position in the forthcoming negotiations on conditions for meeting the EU's 2030 targets in those sectors of the economy not covered by the EU’s Emissions Trading System.

The main conclusions and recommendations in the second report from the Climate Council "Charges which transform - a proposal for climate-friendly tax restructuring" may be downloaded in the menu.