Vice chair
Bo Jellesmark Thorsen
Head of Department and professor of applied economics at the Department of Food and Resource Economics at the University of Copenhagen. Research merits include analysis of decision-making problems under uncertainties tied to e.g. climate change, optimal management of biological resources and valuation and regulation of externalities and ecosystem services.
Areas of work, research and expertise:
Natural Resource economics in relation to forestry and agriculture
Valuation methods
Regulation of externalities
Decision-making under uncertainty
Other activities and ties to other organisations
Member of the board of the Danish Nature Fund, appointed by the Minister of the Environment after recommendation by the Danish Rector’s Conference.
Member of the board of the Danish Climate Forestry Fund, appointed by the Minister of Climate, Energy and Utilities.
Member of the International Advisory Board for the Vice-Chancellor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki
Member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences
Associate Editor at the Journal of Forest Economics