Katherine Richardson
Areas of work, research and expertise:
Plankton research
Mapping of the ocean’s importance for the global carbon cycle
Development of the ‘Planetary Boundaries’ concept
Other activities and ties to other organisations
Senior (guest) researcher at the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Chair of the European Commissions’ Expert group on the economic and societal impact of research and innovation (ESIR)
Member of Advisory Council on Sustainability at Novo Nordisk.
Member of Urban Partners Advisory Network
Member of the Science Advisory Board for Alfred-Wegener-Instituts-Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung (AWI), Germany
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Volvo Environment Prize
Co-chair, SDSN Northern Europe Leadership Council
Member of the 2030-panel under the All Party Parliamentary Network for the 2030 Agenda of the Danish Parliament
Board member in the Non-profit foundation of the Electric Supply Company of Southern Funen (SEAF)
Chair of the Danish Centre for Marine Research