Council member
Marie Münster
Marie Münster is Professor in Energy System Analysis at the Technical University of Denmark. Research areas include: mathematical modelling of energy systems, including how to comply with the Paris Agreement with fewest possible costs; integration of fluctuating renewable energy sources via sector coupling and flexibility in the energy system through flexible production and consumption, storage and transmission; green fuels for e.g. the maritime sector via Power-to-X, as well as through utilisation of biomass and CO2.
Areas of work, research and expertise:
Mathematical modelling of energy systems
Integration of fluctuating renewable energy, including ocean wind and energy islands
Sector coupling and flexibility
Sustainable use of waste and surplus biomass
Production of green fuels from electrolysis and/or biomasse and CO2
Scenarioanalysis of future large-scale energy systems
Green transition of the maritime sector
Other activities and ties to other organisations
Member of the Climate Advisory Board, École Polytechnique
Reviewer IPCC (AR6 report)
Member of the Advisory Board for ElForsk
Medlem of Maritime DTU Orients Fond referee panel
Member of the expert advisory group for technology catalogues, for the Danish Energy Agency.
Member of the PtX Stakeholder Forum of the Danish Energy Agency